Welcome To The Self Assignments Blog!

Self-Assignments Flickr Group
Hey! Welcome to the Self Assignments Blog! My goal for this blog is simple: To give people something to think about while shooting. Feel free to read through and try some of the assignments. If you'd like, you can put yourself through "Self-Assignments 101" or "SA101". It'll be challenging to your imagination, camera and your mind. Most importantly though, it'll be fun!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome to Self-Assignments 101!

So, you’re here and you’ve found our main feature! What is all of this SA101 stuff?
It’s a set of assignments like a school textbook might provide, but they are related to photography and a lot of fun. No text books here. Promise. I’ve come up with a lot of these my self, but I’d love to hear from all of you. There will be instructions for sending in your own assignments at the bottom of each page.

I’ve spaced the timing of the assignments out pretty well for now, but if you feel that we’re going too fast or too slow, let me know.

There is no diploma or certificate for finishing SA101, but I guarantee you’ll know more about your creative side, your gear and places around you. You’ll think about photography differently and slow down before, well, just clicking away.

There will be five chapters with five sections and a section review for each chapter. Contests will be mixed in as I see fit.

There will be deadlines at the end of every assignment. Keep in mind you do not have to follow those deadlines if you don’t want to. If you are coming back and going through SA101 well after we’ve gone through it, you won’t be able to follow them. But, we’d still love it if you’d go ahead and tag your images and put them in our group. People can still learn from what you did.

The first assignment in SA101 will begin tomorrow! Have fun!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the Flickr Discussion Thread for SA101 General Inquiries which can be found here.

Have fun!
Stay tuned for the next assignment!

Got an assignment of your own? Send it to uassign@jalexsmith.com.

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