Welcome To The Self Assignments Blog!

Self-Assignments Flickr Group
Hey! Welcome to the Self Assignments Blog! My goal for this blog is simple: To give people something to think about while shooting. Feel free to read through and try some of the assignments. If you'd like, you can put yourself through "Self-Assignments 101" or "SA101". It'll be challenging to your imagination, camera and your mind. Most importantly though, it'll be fun!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome to The Photography - Self Assignments Blog!


First of all, welcome to my blog. I'm really looking forward to helping so many of the people who I've seen (including myself) who don't know "what to shoot". Well, with your help, we're going to make this the best place to learn photography through assignments that you assign yourself.

Let me tell you a little bit about how this will work.

I'll start out by posting a "Self-Assignment" or simply "SA" as often as twice a week. Where do these SA's come from? You and I.
I'll come up with a few pretty regularly, but I will rely on the ones my readers send me. What is an SA? What does it look like? What does it eat for breakfast?

Self-Assignments will simply be an assignment. That's all. I'll usually have some kind of background information, why I think it's important and what it will help you do before the assignment. After all of that stuff, there will be some kind of work involved. For example, I may have you take pictures of windows around your city. (I'll have more information and specifics than 'just go shoot'.)
Keep in mind that not everyone will be able to do every assignment. Some may require certain equipment or a certain location to do properly. Don't worry though. You'll be able to do one that somebody else might not at some point.

About once a month, I'll have a contest for you guys. Going back to my previous example, I may say "Whoever takes the best picture of a city window wins.". Well, something like that. It'll be more detailed.
I'll have a deadline (usually about two to three weeks after I open it) and you can post your final picture into our Flickr group tagged with the tag that will be provided with the contest.
For now, there will be no prizes for the winner except for personal pride and a crap load of visits to your picture.

How do I send in an assignment?
I'll make it easy. I'll provide an email address to you within the next few days. Please do not use my personal email address.
Basically, what you will be doing is sending me a full assignment that you design. Make it something interesting, original, creative and most importantly, fun. Send it to me in an email. If I like it, I'll try it. If it works well when I try it, I'll post it for all to see with props to you.

It's October 1st, 2008. I'll have the blog and every other part of it up and running by October 10th. Stay tuned for a more complete FAQ section and more information about this blog.

See ya!

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