Welcome To The Self Assignments Blog!

Self-Assignments Flickr Group
Hey! Welcome to the Self Assignments Blog! My goal for this blog is simple: To give people something to think about while shooting. Feel free to read through and try some of the assignments. If you'd like, you can put yourself through "Self-Assignments 101" or "SA101". It'll be challenging to your imagination, camera and your mind. Most importantly though, it'll be fun!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Introduction to Chapter 1

Welcome to Chapter 1 of Self-Assignments 101!

This post will be relatively short.

In this chapter, we’ll cover shooting things around your city. I can’t tell you exactly what you’ll be working with, but I can tell you it will pose new challenges for you, your gear and your imagination. I can also tell you there will be five assignments in Chapter 1.

At the end of the chapter, there will be a chapter review so you can reflect on what you have shot, and what you have noticed while shooting. If you feel like sharing your experiences during any of your shoots at the end of the chapter, that would be awesome.

Each assignment will have a discussion thread linked to it in our Flickr group. Feel free to ask any questions you might have in the appropriate thread.

I’ve already written each post way in advance. As I’m typing this, all of Chapter One and part of Chapter Two is online and will automatically appear when I’ve scheduled them to. I’ve set it all at a pace which everybody should be able to work with. If you feel the pace is too fast or too slow, let me know. Deadlines for assignments are usually 1-2 weeks after they are originally posted, but if you want to go back and do these again later or you're new to the blog and want to start from the beginning, feel free to do so and add them to the Flickr Group Pool like with the appropriate tags like normal. It's all about learning.

Most importantly, have lots of fun and learn a lot.

If you have any suggestions for me, please let me know in a comment at the end of this post. Trust me, I’ll see it.


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