Welcome To The Self Assignments Blog!

Self-Assignments Flickr Group
Hey! Welcome to the Self Assignments Blog! My goal for this blog is simple: To give people something to think about while shooting. Feel free to read through and try some of the assignments. If you'd like, you can put yourself through "Self-Assignments 101" or "SA101". It'll be challenging to your imagination, camera and your mind. Most importantly though, it'll be fun!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Assignment 1.5 - Light It Up With Street Lamps

Yeah…..we’re really going to take pictures of street lamps. Quit laughing. I’m serious. Stop. ;)

These things can be really fun to shoot. Let’s get started.

You ever been to another city where the street lamps are different from the ones you have at home? Isn’t it weird that different cities have different street lamps? Well, they do. So, we have to put up with it…..or shoot it. I say we shoot it.
Hold on there, partner! Don’t get that 22mm out just yet. Get your camera. We’re going to turn these street lamps into something fun to shoot!

For this assignment, you will be taking three pictures of your city’s street lamps. You’ll need a close-up, a group shot (where you get a bunch of street lamps in the shot) and another one of your choice. I’m not going to tell you anything else. This one’s up to you.

After you have taken your three photos, put them on Flickr, tag them with “SA101.1.5streetlamps” then drop them into our group. Make sure you put which category each photo is in, in the title. For example, if you take a close-up of a street lamp, then title it what you want but specify that it’s the close-up in the title. Also, make sure to include your city in the title or description. Simple as that.

The photos will be judged by a secret judge who will be revealed later.
Best photo in each category will be displayed on the front page of the blog during the third week in November.

The deadline for this assignment is Wednesday, November 5th, 2008.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the Flickr Discussion Thread for this assignment which can be found here.

Have fun!
Stay tuned for the next assignment!

Got an assignment of your own? Send it to uassign@jalexsmith.com.

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