Welcome To The Self Assignments Blog!

Self-Assignments Flickr Group
Hey! Welcome to the Self Assignments Blog! My goal for this blog is simple: To give people something to think about while shooting. Feel free to read through and try some of the assignments. If you'd like, you can put yourself through "Self-Assignments 101" or "SA101". It'll be challenging to your imagination, camera and your mind. Most importantly though, it'll be fun!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Assignment 2.4 - Your Favorite Sports

In today’s world, almost everybody watches sports. It may be football, tennis, soccer, baseball, golf…..what ever it is. Everybody who likes to watch or play sports usually has a favorite. One that they will watch or play anytime, anywhere. Mine is tennis.

For this assignment, you’ll be shooting your favorite sport.
Now, before you ask, I won’t be providing press passes so you can get into a professional game or anything. I also won’t be there to bail you out of jail should you decide to break through security.

You don’t actually have to shoot a match or a game for this assignment. You can shoot something that has to do with the sport. For example, for tennis, if I can’t get to a match to shoot it, I may take a tennis ball and a tennis racket and lay them out on a tennis court creatively and take a picture. That’s it. You just need to represent your favorite sport.

While shooting, make sure that we know as much about the sport in one picture. Don’t take a picture of a tennis ball on your desk and be done with it. Make sure we see as much of the sport as we can.

You only need to submit one picture. Your best one.
Once you’ve uploaded it to Flickr, tag it with “SA101.2.4sports” and send it to our group. That’s it. Have fun with this one.

The deadline for this assignment will be November 24, 2008.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the Flickr Discussion Thread for this assignment which can be found here.

Have fun!
Stay tuned for the next assignment!

Got an assignment of your own? Send it to uassign@jalexsmith.com.

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